I haven't seen the video, but I can only imagine how horrible it must be to see downed cattle being forced to slaughter. It just brings to mind every PETA video ever shot and validates their outrage at how animals are treated in this country. It frightens me to think that we've probably all been eating beef from this particular "producer" (in chino! local!) and I am not at all assuaged that the government says so far no one has gotten sick.
what do I have to do to make sure the beef that my family eats is ethical and humane? Do I have to go down to the slaughterhouse myself?? I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, but I am still really angry. Hopefully this whole scandal will benefit those farmers who do raise (not produce!) cattle in ethical and human ways that are not too taxing on the environment. Yes, I know beef is particularly hard on the planet, but unless we ALL go vegan (unlikely), then ethically raised beef, however sparely eaten, is the way to go.
Coincidentally, I bought a vegetarian cookbook this week. I guess I need to read it more closely.
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