Saturday, February 9, 2008


yesterday, apparently, my brother-in-law took his 15 month old son to the restaurant and had a LEASH attached to a harness around his torso.
I managed to make it through childhood without a leash, as did my brother, my husband and nearly everyone I know. Unless you have a child with a serious disability or ADHD, why would you put a kid on a leash???

What is wrong with (a) putting the kid in a stroller (b) carrying them or (c) holding their hand. If you can't pay enough attention to your child to do either of the above, don't you think you need to either stay at home or get a clue?? When I was a kid, and my mother went shopping, she would command me to hold on to her skirt. If I let go, she could feel it and then I would get in trouble. I never had a leash. Mario doesn't have a leash, and he's a pretty adventurous kid, and I haven't lost him (knock on wood) yet.

Children are not pets. Either take responsibility for them or don't have them.

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