Saturday, January 8, 2011

have these children never seen real food?

I've noticed over the last few weeks, since I've been making an effort to pack more of my own snacks and lunches, that my students are inordinately fascinated with what I am eating. When I bust out my ak-mak crackers and laughing cow cheese, they ALL want to try them. I guess anything that isn't a Dorito or Goldfish must seem strange and exotic. And my yogurt? They have never heard of Greek Yogurt and are highly skeptical of my statement that I make my own. They seem confused that it's not brightly colored and doesn't extrude from a tube. And when I break out my actual lunch (chili, soup, lasagne), they ALL have to take a gander at it and wonder aloud how it tastes.

I am no culinary genius. It's not like my lunches have been torn from the pages of some fancy cooking magazine. I'm not doing anything special. What I am doing, however, is actually cooking.

I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, folks, but I sometimes feel like some of my students are deprived of good food. I don't think they suffer from hunger (we do have a HUGE line of kids waiting for free breakfast and lunch), but I do think they suffer from very limited horizons. I wish there was something I could do to expand those horizons.