Wednesday, April 23, 2008

do you know the muffin girl

I have got to think about things other than muffins!

well anyway, it's testing week at AHS, and in a desperate bid to get my students to attend class and actually try on their tests, I am making them muffins. so far I've spent around $8.00 on flour, sugar and eggs. the butter was my own, although I did solicit a donation from Mario's Place. The buttermilk, cinnamon, chocolate chips, bananas, baking powder, baking soda, salt and walnuts were mine too. Time to go to the store again, I think. Or hit up the kids for some donations. This is getting expensive! Mind you, I am not buying the fancy free-range organic eggs or the white whole wheat flour or semi-processed sugar. They are getting factory farmed eggs and Stater Brothers brand flour and sugar! I am saving the fancy stuff for my biological children. sorry 2nd period! pass around the donation hat!

But back to the muffins. So far this week we've had:
banana bread, banana walnut muffins and chocolate chip muffins. I overcooked the banana walnut muffins a bit, but they were still tasty, and the chocolate chip muffins were oddly good. They weren't cloying, as many chocolate chip cookies can be. I am running out of ingredients (and trying to work my way through the muffin cookbook), so today I tried the cinnamon buttermilk muffins. I had some buttermilk I needed to use up. pass the hat! Palagi needs more buttermilk!

These muffins are definitely harder on the outside and taste a lot like doughnuts. Once you dip them in butter, then a sugar and cinnamon mixture, they also remind me a bit of bunuelos. Super tasty and I know the kids will like them tomorrow. Now if I can just keep the chef and my own children from eating them up in the meantime!

I had a request for raspberry almond muffins, but those require fresh raspberries ($) AND almond paste. I have discovered that the almond paste is imported from belgium, and given the sad state of the dollar right now ($1.60 to the euro-yikes!), I think I will have to pass on those. Too bad, because when those muffins are good, they are sublime.

So I am doing A LOT of baking this week. I feel very house-wifely. Next thing you know I will put on an apron when I come home and start calling the kids Johnny and Susie....

Saturday, April 12, 2008

can't stop talking about blueberry muffins

Made blueberry muffins this morning and somehow the noise did not wake up the kids!! they were very good, as usual, and I've decided that this is the recipe to keep. they are not pretty, but they are tasty and home-made, so that's all that matters.