Thursday, March 13, 2008

the perfect mommy cookbook

I found it!
the perfect mommy cookbook.

the family vegetarian cookbook was a bust. Despite the great reviews, the Dorie Greenspan baking cookbook was mediocre. i tried three recipes from each and returned both cookbooks.

and then I discovered Annabel Karmel's book for lunchboxes. I guess she wrote a bunch of best selling cookbooks for making baby food and such. this particular book is packed with creative ideas for lunchboxes and snacks. it is brilliant! and I'm not just saying that because she is british.

so far I have tried the breakfast bars which were a HUGE hit with the Chef and the bossy little girl. The little red haired boy didn't care for them, but how could you not like brown sugar, corn flakes, oatmeal, raisins, an entire stick of butter and a touch of corn syrup? I threw in some flaxseed for good measure and no one noticed-whew! the bars didn't even make it 24 hours, which is always a good sign and a compliment.

i also made, on a whim, a honey cream cheese spread. This is what I particularly like about this cookbook; I never would've thought to mix a touch of honey into cream cheese, spread it on a tortilla and then add in some thinly sliced banana. It took seconds to make, the kids LOVED it and it is outrageously healthy. Well, especially if you put it on a whole wheat tortilla. I've done the whole peanut butter on a tortilla bit, but I never, ever would've thought to put honey in cream cheese. So far, Annabel Karmel's recipes are 2 for 2 and I am relieved. I was tired of going to borders every week.

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