Monday, January 14, 2008

first lemons, now oranges

Right after "orange county," Riverside County was known for its delicious navel oranges. Since our neighbor's orange trees drape over to our side of the wall, we have been harvesting oranges all week and are now overwhelmed by a ton of delicious oranges! Not a problem most people would complain about, but I am going to have to get creative on how to use these oranges. when we had a ton of lemons a few weeks ago, I made lemon curd, LOTS of lemonade and lemon poppyseed muffins. So I wonder what I should do with all of these navel oranges? Navels aren't as juicy as Valencias, but I think I should be able to get enough juice out of them to make a decent pitcher. Maybe some orange muffins? Candied orange peel? The possibilities are endless.

We signed up for an orange conservancy program a few weeks ago, and starting this wednesday we will be getting two 5-pound bags of citrus every week for the next 16 weeks-yikes! I am happy to be doing my share to help local farmers keep their groves, rather than build more tract houses, but how much citrus can one family eat? I guess we will find out!

While I don't love the smog and congestion of Riverside, I sure do love the oranges!

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