Tuesday, January 15, 2008

bread is fundamental to life

Awhile ago, I was faced with the fact that there was no fresh bread in Riverside. This shocking discovery, plus the indignity of having to make turkey burgers with english muffins as the bun, led me to think about baking bread. I had tried once previously, and ended up with a cinnamon/raising loaf with the consistency and taste of a hockey puck. That scared me away from baking-until now!
With my new book "artisanal bread in five minutes a day" in hand, I have successfully made a loaf of "artisanal" bread. My first attempt was not pretty (I forgot to put the pretty little slashes across the top), but the dough didn't stick to the pizza peel (that's why you put corn meal underneath the dough!) and it baked up quite nicely on my new pizza stone. The bossy little girl LOVED the bread and declared that she just wanted to eat bread for dinner. Only 4 and already joining the carbo junkie lineage of her father and great-grandmother.
I am going to try and make a baguette today to serve with the chicken and roasted bell pepper recipe I intend to make tonight. I am going to make good use of that pizza stone and pizza peel. hey! maybe I'll even try and make a pizza one day....

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