Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Santa's big hits-and misses

So far, the toy that has been the biggest hit is the cooking set.  I didn't foresee that both kids would love it so much, but when we came home from Grandpa and Grandma's house on Christmas eve, they both rushed to the pots and pans and immediately started mixing and mashing and preparing foods.  The wooden toy food set is also getting a lot of use.  So far the strong-willed girl has dragged both Grandpa and Grandma upstairs to the bedroom so that she can prepare meals for them.  She has also expressed the wish that the table and chairs that grandma and grandpa bought for them be moved upstairs so that she has a place to serve her meals.  She has also requested more plates and some cutlery.

While the little red haired boy is obviously less verbal in his play with the kitchen, he too has been spotted madly whisking imaginary food in his stock pot and pretending to eat his food.  He doesn't like to come downstairs when he is deep in kitchen play.

The toys that have been the least popular have been the O-balls, which surprises me.  I think they are really cool (and maybe this is the problem) because they are easy to catch and throw and practically indestructible.  The kids have played with them, but not with nearly as much enthusiasm as the kitchen set.

So, Santa made some good picks!  Hooray for Santa Claus!

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