CDMOD? What is that??
It stands for Children's Discovery Museum of the Desert, it is one hour away, and it is, outside of Legoland, perhaps our favorite place to go.
but it's an hour away! That's so far!
why, yes it is. However, I would like to point out that it's an EASY drive. Compared to going to Pasadena or Los Angeles, there is very little traffic. Driving out to the desert is relatively stress-free, unless you decide you want to go out there on a Friday afternoon, in which case I would seriously question your sanity.
Anyway, back to CDMOD. We started coming to this museum in 2007 and have been regulars ever since. The first thing you notice is the reasonable admission price; just $8 a person. We have traditionally gone the membership route, since it is only $25 per person (after three visits, it's FREE!) and that includes four guest passes, which I usually use to bring Grandma or Grandpa along for the ride. The weather in the winter is fabulous, obviously, so we try to come during Thanksgiving vacation, Christmas, and then a few times afterwards.
While this museum is smaller than Kidspace in Pasadena, is packs a lot of fun into a small footprint. For my kids, the enduring favorites are the grocery store and the pizza parlor. Even now, my big 8 year-old girl LOVES to make pizzas and my tomato STILL loves to push a shopping cart around the grocery store. They even have aprons for kids to work the cash register and pretend money at the ATM. For some reason, kids find pretend grocery stores to be incredibly fun. Even when he was barely 1 1/2 years old, my Tomato loved the grocery store and would play forever.
Upstairs there is a fabulous dress-up room that has stuff for boys and girls. I began to worry that when my big girl's foot actually began to fit the shoes in the dress up area that she would decide she was too big for it, but no! She still loves to wear the hats and jewelry and glittery dresses, while my Tomato becomes a construction worker or fireman. They are definitely into their gender roles, what can I say??
There is a great toddler area adjacent to the grocery store and pizza area, for parents who want to keep an eye on both kids. The main floor has a vet's office (always a big hit), an art area, an area where you can paint a VW bug (kids LOVE this, go figure), some more advanced construction stuff for older kids, plus a plethora of hands-on play manipulatives. There is not too much outside yet, but they are in the middle of construction as I write this and so hopefully this part will improve. For now, outside is a good place to eat snacks or lunch under the covered awnings, or just to run and shake off some energy before getting back in the car to go home.
and if you don't feel like packing a picnic lunch, there is an In-n-Out burger right by the freeway on-ramp!!
Really, I can't say enough good things about CDMOD. It's one of our favorite places, and we go a lot. If it was closer, we'd go more often.....
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