and just about every other major holiday?
Because I am married to a chef.
I also intensely dislike Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.
For most people, these dates are reason for celebration ("I love you mom!"), but for me, they are a reminder that my Chef will be stressed out, busy, and will work A LOT. Of all the holidays, however, I think New Year's Eve may be the worst, mostly because of the logistics of the evening. The Chef is up and out of the house early on the 31st, making last-minute tweaks to the menu (because OF COURSE he can never have it settled and ready ahead of time) and prepping like a mad man. The stress will have occupied his head since at least December 26th. He will not fully be able to relax until the night is over.
If I went to the restaurant, I'd be doing a lot of hanging out, trying to stay out of the way of the paying customers and just doing a lot of ....waiting! The Chef will be too busy to talk to me until just before New Year's Eve when he'll come out briefly to kiss me and then go back into the kitchen to celebrate with his other family; the guys in the kitchen. Unless I have particularly stellar company, it's mostly a night of feeling lonely, because EVERYONE else is in a couple, or at least with the one that they love. Yes, the Chef is nearby, but he is busy and really doesn't have time to come out and hold my hand, if you know what I mean. Then he will sleep for half of the day on the 1st. In the meantime, I will wear myself out trying to keep the kids quiet so that the Chef can sleep until at least noon. He'll wake up for awhile, eat, read the paper and then fall back asleep around 4:00 p.m.. This routine is so ingrained, I can practically set my watch to it.
I know this post sounds really whiny. After all, I knew he was a chef when I married him and I knew what kind of life I'd be leading with him. It is no coincidence that the kids call the restaurant "Babbo's house"! However, in this economy, it really is a blessing to have work! I am thankful that we are busy and that the Chef isn't worrying about no one coming out to eat tonight. Still, New Year's Eve for me is more a signal that after a very long and busy month of December, I will finally be getting my husband back! Tonight is the last major night of the holiday (and major money-making) season, and tomorrow we will begin the process of getting our family back together. I miss my husband. The kids miss their Babbo. Everyone else can go ahead and party on New Year's Eve. As for me, I'll take a relaxing New Year's Day with the Chef awake, lucid, at home with his family any day.......
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